Nearest Layers SitePak

A map and table of up to 25 of the closest Layer Sites in a 10-mile radius, along with any available revenue data

Use this report when you

  • want to see a view of nearby competitors or complimentary businesses or
  • want revenue comparisons from Restaurant Trends or alternately sourced revenues that have been manually entered in to the Layer Revenues attribute in SiteZeus.

What's included in this report

  • The Layer Site's location name, address, revenue, and distance from the subject site
  • At the top of the report: The report name, subject site name, address, and project name

How to generate this report

  1. Select a site. 
    For a single site: 
    — Click a pin on the map or enter the address into the search bar to navigate to the site. This will open the Site Analyze panel.
    — Click the Report icon to the right of the Site Analyze panel to enter the Reporting Wizard. 

  2. For multiple sites (up to 10): 
    — For pins in close proximity, use the lasso tool
    — For multiple Consideration Sites, use the bolt list, which is to the right of the search bar. 
    — For pins in different geographic areas, use the multi select technique. Alternatively, hold Shift and Left Click on sites from the map to multi select. 

  3. Select the Nearest Layers SitePak report in the Reporting Wizard.
  4. Name and view the report.