Project Settings

Manage your project settings in one simple place

General Settings

  • Project Name: Edit the name of your current project.
  • Project Country

Model Method Settings

  • Model Training Method: Select the desired trade area radius or drive time for the model.
  • Model Fallback Method: Select the desired trade area radius or drive time for the fallback method. This selection will be applied to any site missing a trade area in your custom set.

NOTE: Fallback method is directly tied to custom set modeling, not models using standard sets (concentric rings or drive times).

  • Model Forecasting Method: Select the desired trade area radius or drive time for the forecasting method.
  • Pipeline Version: Switch your model’s data pipeline to a different version. If you are an admin, co-admin, or model analyst, you can now switch pipelines or roll back to a previous one if necessary. 

Impact Settings

  • Impact Category: Select your desired global impact model, which is based on industry type.