Import/export data for a project

Understand how to format a data sheet and use the import and export functions to manage data for a project

Format a data sheet

Formatting the first ten columns of a data sheet

Below are the expected headers for these columns:

ExternalId Name Latitude Longitude Address Address2 City State Postal Country

The External ID is used as a unique identifier for sites which connects locations to trade area polygons. It can be up to 50 characters and is required for existing sites. It is optional for proposed sites and not required for layers. Name will appear in the platform as the display name for the site. Latitude and longitude are used for geocoding, but are not required. If a latitude and longitude is not provided, the address will be geocoded by the platform using the remaining address information.

Formatting the revenue columns of a data sheet

The application can support up to four revenue subcategories for Existing Sites. When formatting the columns for revenue inputs, ensure the column headers contain "Revenue:" followed by a unique name that defines the revenue type (e.g., "Revenue:Lunch").

Below are sample column headers for a project with three revenue subcategories:

Revenue:Lunch Revenue:Dinner Revenue:LateNight

Note: The column headers for revenues should directly follow the "Country" column header. Ensure that the format for these columns is "General" and that no commas appear.

Formatting the attribute columns of a data sheet

The application can support up to 50 attribute inputs for existing sites. When formatting the columns for attribute inputs, ensure the column headers contain "Attribute:" followed by a unique name that defines the attribute (e.g., "Attribute:Building Type").

Below are sample column headers for a project with three attributes:

Attribute:Building Type Attribute:Square Feet Attribute:Parking Spaces

Note: The column headers for attributes should directly follow the last revenue column header.

Formatting the last three columns of a data sheet

The last three columns within a data sheet are used to define the site category, site type, any layer revenues (when applicable) for each entry. Below are the expected headers for these columns:

Layer LayerRevenues SiteType

Now it is necessary to define the expected inputs for these columns when defining a particular site type.

Note: If a data sheet does not contain a SiteType column or if that column is not filled for a particular existing site, the location will default to a Mature Site.

Format for Existing Sites:

Type of Existing Site: Layer LayerRevenues SiteType
Mature     mature
New     new
Closed     closed
Closed-Temp     closed-temp

Note: If a data sheet does not contain a SiteType column or if that column is not infilled for a particular consideration site, the location will default to a Consideration Site.

Format for Proposed Sites:

Type of Consideration Site: Layer LayerRevenues SiteType
Consideration *BOLT*   consideration
Letter of Intent *BOLT*   loi
Approved *BOLT*   approved
Rejected *BOLT*   rejected
In Development *BOLT*   in-dev
Trade Area Seeds *BOLT*   trade-area-seed
Dead Deal *BOLT*    dead-deal
Format for Layer Sites:
  • The application can support up to 20 layer inputs for a single project.
  • Optional: Revenue data can be input in the "LayerRevenues" column.
  • Each layer must have a unique name.
  • Layers do not have a site type, so the Site Type column should be left blank.

Below is a sample set of four layer site entries (two of which have revenue data) for these columns:

Layer LayerRevenues SiteType
Starbucks 1350000  
Ice Cream    
Jimmy John's 1280000  

Note: The column headers for these last three columns should directly follow the last attribute column header.

Ensuring data sheet is correctly formatted prior to import

Warning: Before attempting to import a completed data sheet to the application, please check that the following conditions hold true within your data sheet:

Column header names

  • The first nine column headers are named properly
  • The column headers for Revenue columns are named properly
  • The column headers for Attribute columns are named properly
  • The column headers for the last three columns are named properly

Note: Ensure that the Revenue and Attribute columns do not contain a space between the colon and the description (e.g., Revenue:Lunch).

Column header lengths

  • The portion of the column header after "Revenue:" within all revenue column headers is not longer than 25 characters
  • The portion of the column header after "Attribute:" within all attribute column headers is not longer than 25 characters

Row content lengths

  • The data within the "Name" column is not longer than 100 characters
  • The data within the "Address" column is not longer than 100 characters
  • The data within all other columns is not longer than 25 characters

Special characters

The spreadsheet does not contain any of the following characters: + ,  '  "  ` $ =

Formula/Data format/File type

  • All data has been copied and pasted as values to ensure there are no formulas present
  • All data has been set to "General" format
  • The file for import has been saved as a CSV file

Note: Once you've formatted the data sheet, input data, and confirmed that all the above conditions have been met, you can import your CSV file.

Importing a data sheet

When creating a new project:

  1. Select + New Project.
  2. From within Project Settings name the project, select the country and impact category.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Skip when prompted with the option to Name Your Revenues.
  5. Click Skip when prompted with the option to Name Your Layers.
  6. Click Skip when prompted with the option to Name Your Attributes.
  7. Select Upload.
  8. Select File: None Selected — Browse.
  9. Select the CSV file you want to upload.
  10. Once it has finished processing, if no errors populate, select Finish.

When adding sites to an existing project:

  1. Open the project.
  2. Select Import Sites from the Main Menu.
  3. Select Upload.
  4. Select File: None Selected - Browse.
  5. Locate and select the CSV file you want to upload.
  6. Once it has finished processing, if no errors populate, select Finish.

Exporting a data sheet

  1. Open the project.
  2. Select Import Sites from the Main Menu.
  3. Select Download.
  4. Open the downloaded CSV file to view the data sheet for the project.