How To Best Leverage The Custom Draw Tools For Franchise Planning Or Custom Trade Area Analysis

Learn about ways teams are leveraging the custom draw tool capabilities within SiteZeus for their market planning.

Use Case 1: Import/Export Shapes

Import previously existing territory boundaries that are custom shapes or radius based shapes.

Use Case 2: Custom Radius Shapes

Custom draw radii for something other than a standard option (Example: 8mi or 2.5mi radius).

Use Case 3: Mobile Data Polygon Shapes

Custom draw polygon shapes that capture a similar area as your mobile geofence true trade area

Use Case 4: Custom Shapes Snapped To Roads

Custom draw polygon that snaps to roads and designated boundaries/barriers.

Use Case 5: Custom Colored Shapes

Customize the coloring of your maps to reflect certain franchisees or closed/open markets.

Use Case 6: Share Shapes

Control who from your team has access to simultaneously view certain territory boundaries